37 research outputs found

    Randomness of Physiological Signals in Generation Cryptographic Key for Secure Communication Between Implantable Medical Devices Inside The Body And The Outside World

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    A physiological signal must have a certain level of randomness inside it to be a good source of randomness for generating cryptographic key. Dependency to the history is one of the measures to examine the strength of a randomness source. In dependency to the history, the adversary has infinite access to the history of generated random bits from the source and wants to predict the next random number based on that. Although many physiological signals have been proposed in literature as good source of randomness, no dependency to history analysis has been carried out to examine this fact. In this paper, using a large dataset of physiological signals collected from PhysioNet, the dependency to history of Interpuls Interval (IPI), QRS Complex, and EEG signals (including Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Theta waves) were examined. The results showed that despite the general assumption that the physiological signals are random, all of them are weak sources of randomness with high dependency to their history. Among them, Alpha wave of EEG signal shows a much better randomness and is a good candidate for post-processing and randomness extraction algorithm

    A Systematic Review of Smart City Infrastructure Threat Modelling Methodologies: A Bayesian Focused Review

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    Smart city infrastructure and the related theme of critical national infrastructure have attracted growing interest in recent years in academic literature, notably how cyber-security can be effectively applied within the environment, which involves using cyber-physical systems. These operate cross-domain and have massively improved functionality and complexity, especially in threat modelling cyber-security analysis—the disparity between current cyber-security proficiency and the requirements for an effective cyber-security systems implementation. Analysing risk across the entire analysed system can be associated with many different cyber security methods for overall cyber risk analysis or identifying vulnerability for individually modelled objects. One method for performing risk analysis proposed in the literature is by applying Bayesian-based threat modelling methodologies. This paper performs a systematic literature review of Bayesian networks and unique alternative methodologies for smart city infrastructure analysis and related critical national infrastructures. A comparative analysis of the different methodological approaches, considering the many intricacies, metrics, and methods behind them, with suggestions made for future research in the field of cyber-physical threat modelling for smart city infrastructure

    Investigate and identify the requirements and necessities of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare, Iran

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    ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to investigate and identify the requirements and necessities of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare. Secondary objectives include the conclusion and categorization of the requirements for implementation of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare. Delphi method was applied. Delphi method is among the ways to gain group intelligence in order to reach a group consensus. Statistical population includes twenty experts and professional individuals in this research. No sampling is applied in Delphi method; instead, a panel of experts and professionals, chosen purposefully, is formed based on their thematic profession and professional experience. This research was performed in three stages through which 31 necessities were finally introduced by the managers. After omission of the items that achieved a consensus lower than 80%, the rest 24 were divided into five categories including organizational culture, individualhuman, group-human, organizational structure and infrastructures. The results indicated that most of the necessities identified by the panel of managers are included in organizational culture and individual-human parameters which can be mentioned as the required conditions for the requirements and necessities of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare. KEYWORDS: Postmodern Change Management, Organizational Structure, Infrastructure, Individual-Human, Organizational Culture, Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare and Iran. ________________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Emerge of changeable and modern concepts in management, management derived by information explosion and entrance of modern information technologies to organizations, diversification, environmental turbulence and dynamism, increasing need to use the power of brain and thinking instead of physical power, the quick movement of societies toward education and gaining science and knowledge, difficulties of planning and increasing complication of activities, high level of loyalty, the necessity of using experts in form of projects and teams, the emphasis on innovation and creativity, necessity of quick admission to novel ideas, requirement of flexible an non-centralized structures, changing the top-down communication to a bottom-up approach, and the movement of hierarchical organizations toward representative organizations are all among the effective evolutions in management which question the traditional and bureaucratic models and requires the assurance of novel ideas, viewpoints, concepts, and functions in change management There is a wide global contest, labor force has become divergent, moral problems has been issued seriously and technology and information systems are developing quickly. Along with the increase in the speed of the changes and entering the information age, the nature of the jobs and work environment of the organizational members is changing as well. In order to help them to encounter such condition, organizations should apply knowledge to rethink and learn to preserve or promote their situation in this changing environment and they must change to a learner organization. In such environment, a phenomenal leadership is required that can preserve the organization from the damages caused by fundamental evolutions, since the present complicated and multidimensional problems are no longer resolvable with traditional methods of management .Today, managers must manage discontinuities and ambiguities, therefore they have to react at time, quickly and efficiently Postmodern management pattern is among the modern models issued as a response to the deficiencies of traditional and modern patterns of management in order to respond the increasing and changing needs of the organization and society. Postmodernism does not refer to a systematic and comprehensive theory, but to different perceptions, recognitions and identifications, and it believes in pluralism. Postmodernism consider the organizational environment as being turbulent and variant. As a result, assurance of any comprehensive theory about management is objected. On the contrary to elements such as planning, organization, command, coordination and control, components like creativity and innovation, active organization, persuasion, co-creation (MBN), and self-control are respectively accepted 541 Ghonji et al.,2015 In a postmodern organization, visions are drawn to outskirt, people are open to negotiate on which base learning. New information flows freely in all directions. Changes are welcome in a postmodern organization. In a postmodern organization interpersonal relationships are based on networks, relations, support, community, empathy, trust and collective compensation. In postmodern change management, organization is a network of variety, self-leadership and multicenter self-controlled groups which coordinate their organizational behavior due to the situation Postmodern change management can lead the organizations toward participatory leadership, considering high levels of individual motivation, flexibility of organizational structure, decentralization, and promotion of creativity and innovation and giving opportunity to individuals to develop their critical capacity in order to change the existing condition. Managers of postmodern organizations should manage complications and ambiguities. As a result, they have to have on time and adequately efficient reactions. Managers of changed organizations must be able to overlook wider horizon upon temporary issues .Being creative and innovative can also persuade the employees to become creative, selfcontrolled, self-organized, co-creative, and in one word, a postmodernist manager Today, Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare is a suitable leverage for economic and social development that can be effective in optimum use of life, work and production condition, and elevation of income level and social situation of the community. According to the experiences of developed countries, the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare is an organization that have succeeded in aggregation of the way for collection of dispersed, talented and motivated forces. Unfortunately, in spite of being helped by financial resources, the organization is not able to find its real position in country's economy. Therefore, financial resources seem to be merely a part of the problems in this organization and the root must be sought somewhere else. According to the experts, the problems of the country's problem in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare are rooted in its management structure (Taherpoor et al., 2011). LITERATURE REVIEW Some of the ideas of scholars about postmodern management and organizations are described below. Antonio et al., (2013) believe that communication, teamwork, efficiency, self-control, self-confidence, resolving the conflicts and crises, leadership, consultation, negotiation, and result-based orientation, programming and organizing are inevitable in an uncertain and changeable organization. Zandi and Tavana, (2010) say that managers in modern organizations need special competencies in line with efficiency of organizational approaches. These competencies develop the management and promote the employees communications, problem solving, change management, technical skills and duties, formation of groups, performance (task) management, interpersonal awareness, and integration of viewpoints. Selection of a manager in postmodern organizations should be based on these characteristics: 1-organization while contradictory conditions are emerging, 2-Experience-based knowledge, 3-individual decision-making, 4-efficient creativity(creativity, idea production and manager ability to execute the idea), 5-cooperative organization (organizing along with the power to involve others in positive approaches through learning and the tendency to teamwork),6-cooperation and leadership(the ability to motivate people, develop cooperation sense and strong relationships between them), 7-integrated thinking and in time, quick and adequately efficient reactions of managers Investigating the soft social competencies of 60 project managers in construction companies of China, J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 5(10S)541-549, 2015 leadership), and social awareness (organizational awareness and personal communication). According to them, postmodern organizations emphasize on the motivational and mental framework in the minds and thoughts of employees. Considering the research history, the present paper tries to investigate the executive requirements and necessities of postmodern change management as one of the important pillars of human resource management in this changing and evolutionary period which plays a significant role in changed postmodern organizations. Therefore, the main objective is to investigate and identify requirements and necessities of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare. Secondary objectives include the conclusion and categorization of the requirements for implementation of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare in form of elements such as organizational structure, individual-human, group-human and organizational culture. MATERIAL AND METHODS This research was performed through Delphi method. Delphi method is among the ways to gain group intelligence. This process has a structure to predict and help decision-making in survey research, information collection and finally, achieving a group consensus (Wakefield and Watsonba, 2014). While most surveys try to answer a "what is" question, Delphi method responds to "what can be" and what should be" questions Statistical population consists of three types of managers: 1. top level managers (seven managers with a minimum experience of 9 years), 2.Middle level managers (eight managers with a minimum experience of 12 years); and 3.Executive manager's directors (five managers with a minimum experience of 20 years). It should be emphasized that no sampling is applied in Delphi method and the statistical population consists of managers and thematic experts chosen purposefully. This method is performed at least in three stages in order to collect information. In this research, an open question was asked in the first stage: "What are the requirements and necessities for implementation of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare?" The responders were asked to list the characteristics that they considered. In second stage, 31 important and basic requirements and necessities compromised by the majority of managers were identified based on the items collected in the first stage. In this stage, the responders were asked to express their ideas about each item through five-point Likert Scale (1=completely disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree and 5=completely agree) in ordered to prioritize these items. A survey of agreement was performed in the third stage in order to determine the level of managers' agreement or disagreement on each of the issued characteristics. Eventually, 32 characteristics were introduced by the managers which were divided into five classes including organizational structure, infrastructure, individual-human, group-human, and organizational culture. Of course, the total items in each group were obtained after omission of the ones that achieved a consensus lower than 80% (Keeney et al. 2009). Descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage and mean) was applied in order to specify the requirements and necessities of postmodern change management. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The main objective was to investigate the executive requirements and necessities of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare. According to the 22 managers participating in this research, 31 requirements were identified in this stage as the important executive necessities of postmodern change management (table 1). As it is shown in table 1, 19 responders introduced flexible and informal rules, instructions and procedures as the basic necessities for implementation of postmodern change management. The organizational access to suitable and modern soft and hard technologies and implementation of moral codes in the organizations were also among the items introduced by most of managers. In the second stage the managers were asked to express the level of their agreement or disagreement about 31items introduced as the requirements and necessities for implementation of postmodern change management in Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare by the manages in the first level. The results of the analysis indicated that among 31 effective requirements, flexible and informal rules, instructions and procedures, the loyalty that employees feel to their organization, the comfort in stating the problems and establishing relationship with that responsible, organizational discussion and negotiation, believing in necessity of control and use of various control methods in the organization (with means of 4. 50, 4.47, 4.41, 4.40 and 4.36) were the five first priorities agreed by managers that shows the significant and effective role of these requirement and necessities in implementation of postmodern change management in the environment of postmodern organizations. Implementation of invasive management style that facilitates changes, and 543 Ghonji et al.,2015 sharing information and free organizational atmosphere (freedom in expressing the ideas) were in the last positions in this ranking. Table1. Requirements and necessities for implementation of postmodern change management [541][542][543][544][545][546][547][548][549] 2015 In order to determine the percentage of managers agreement about each introduced factor, their attitude toward each necessity introduced by other members was evaluated in three agree, neutral and disagree levels.in the third stage. Results indicate that about necessities such as organization's access to suitable and modern soft and hard technologies, execution of flexible and informal rules, instructions and procedures, the comfort in stating the problems and establishing relationship with those responsible, job satisfaction, implementation of moral codes in the organizations, the use of organizational discussion and negotiation, believing in necessity of control and use of various control methods in the organization, and motivation and positive attitude towards changes, 100% of managers have reached a compromise and these necessities are completely confirmed by them. A 90% consensus was achieved by the managers about the fact that in postmodern organizations, manager should have fast reactions, be loyal to their organization, establish relationships inside and outside the system in organizational environment, have access to financial human and knowledge resources, be sensitive to the needs of their employees and try to comply them, support and appreciate novel thoughts and ideas, have a learning role in the organization and decompensate compensate the mistakes of their personnel. Less than half of responders agreed necessities such as free organizational environment (freedom in expressing ideas) holding training-applied seminars, courses and congresses, expression of opposite ideas about the organization and implementation of participatory management style. As to the other items mentioned in the table as the requirements and necessities of postmodern management, managers reached an agreement higher than 50%. The secondary objective was to classify the requirements and necessities of postmodern change management in line with efficiency of postmodern organizations. In order to meet this objective, after omission of items that achieved a consensus less than 80%., the other characteristics introduced by the managers were divided into five categories including organizational structure, infrastructure, individual-human, group-human, and organizational cultur

    Identification of fragmented JPEG files in the absence of file systems

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    Identifying fragmented and deleted files from scattered digital storage become crucial needs in computer forensic. Storage media experience regular space fragmentation which gives direct consequence to the files system series. This paper specifies a case where the jpeg files are heavily fragmented with absent file header which contains maximum information for the stored data can be easily retrieved. The problem is formulated using statistical byte frequency analysis for identifying the group of jpeg file fragments. Several related works have addressed the issue of classifying variety types of file format with high occurrence of being fragmented such as avi, doc, wav file and etc. These files have been tagged as among the larger file format. We provide techniques for identifying the pattern of file fragments distribution and describe roles of selected clustering attributes. Finally, we provide experimental results presenting that the jpeg fragments distribution can be retrieved with quite small gap differences between the groups

    An Overview of Distributed Energy-Efficient Topology Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    A wireless ad hoc network is composed of several tiny and inexpensive device such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs) which have limited energy. In this network energy, efficiency is one of the most crucial requirements. Data transmitting in minimum power level is one way of maximizing energy efficiency. Thus, transmission power level of nodes should be managed in a smart way to improve energy efficiency. Topology control is one of the main algorithms used in a wireless network to decrease transmission power level while preserving network connectivity. Topology control could improve energy efficiency by reasonably tuning the transmission power level while preserving network connectivity in order to increase network capacity and lifetime. In pursuit of energy efficiency and connectivity, nodes can be selfish and are conflicting with each other. Therefore to overcome the conflict, game theory is used to construct energy efficient topology, as well as minimizing energy consumption. In this paper, the main goal and most recent energy efficient topology control algorithms in WSNs and ad hoc network are classified and studied according to their specific goals

    Energy-efficient virtual machine allocation technique using interior search algorithm for cloud datacenter

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    Cloud Computing is revolutionizing how Computing power is generated and consumed over the Internet on a pay-peruse basis over the past few years. The broader acceptance of Cloud technologies has led to the establishment of datacenters. Over the years, high energy consumption by datacenters has become a major interest as a result of increasing demands of resources and services by enterprise and scientific applications. Consequently, datacenter infrastructure turns out to be not only expensive to sustain, but also unfavorable to the surrounding environment due to their huge carbon emission. Thus, energy efficient virtual machine allocation techniques are required to overcome high energy consumption due to improper resource allocation within the data centers. This paper proposes Energy-Efficient Virtual Machine allocation technique using Interior Search Algorithm (ISA) that reduces the datacenter energy consumption and resource underutilization. The results shows that, the energy consumption of GA and BFD is 90%-95% as compare to the proposed EE-IS which around 65%. On average 30% of energy has been save using EE-IS as well the utilization of the resources which has also improved

    Secure and authenticated key agreement protocol with minimal complexity of operations in the context of identity-based cryptosystems

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    Recently, a large variety of Identity-Based Key Agreement protocols have tried to eliminate the use of Bilinear Pairings in order to decrease complexity of computations through performing group operations over Elliptic Curves. In this paper we propose a novel pairing-free Key Agreement protocol over elliptic curve based algebraic groups. The results show that our proposed protocol is significantly less complex than related works from complexity of computation perspective

    A performance improved certificateless key agreement scheme over elliptic curve based algebraic groups

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    Due to the importance of key in providing secure communication, various Key Agreement protocols have been proposed in the recent years. The latest generation of Public Key Cryptosystems (PKC) called Certificateless PKC played an important role in the transformation of Key Agreement protocols. In this scientific area, several Key Agreement protocols have been proposed based on Bilinear Pairings. However, pairing operation is known as an expensive cryptographic function. Hence, utilization of pairing operation in the mentioned works made them complex from overall computational cost perspective. In order to decrease the computational cost of Key Agreement protocols, several Certificateless Key Agreement protocols have been proposed by the use of operations over Elliptic Curve based Algebraic Groups instead of using Bilinear Pairings. In this paper, we propose a Pairing-free Certificateless two-party Key Agreement protocol. Our results indicate that our secure protocol is significantly more lightweight than existing related works

    Review and Classification of Bio-inspired Algorithms and Their Applications

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    Scientists have long looked to nature and biology in order to understand and model solutions for complex real-world problems. The study of bionics bridges the functions, biological structures and functions and organizational principles found in nature with our modern technologies, numerous mathematical and metaheuristic algorithms have been developed along with the knowledge transferring process from the lifeforms to the human technologies. Output of bionics study includes not only physical products, but also various optimization computation methods that can be applied in different areas. Related algorithms can broadly be divided into four groups: evolutionary based bio-inspired algorithms, swarm intelligence-based bio-inspired algorithms, ecology-based bio-inspired algorithms and multi-objective bio-inspired algorithms. Bio-inspired algorithms such as neural network, ant colony algorithms, particle swarm optimization and others have been applied in almost every area of science, engineering and business management with a dramatic increase of number of relevant publications. This paper provides a systematic, pragmatic and comprehensive review of the latest developments in evolutionary based bio-inspired algorithms, swarm intelligence based bio-inspired algorithms, ecology based bio-inspired algorithms and multi-objective bio-inspired algorithms

    Delaunay Triangulation as a New Coverage Measurement Method in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Sensing and communication coverage are among the most important trade-offs in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) design. A minimum bound of sensing coverage is vital in scheduling, target tracking and redeployment phases, as well as providing communication coverage. Some methods measure the coverage as a percentage value, but detailed information has been missing. Two scenarios with equal coverage percentage may not have the same Quality of Coverage (QoC). In this paper, we propose a new coverage measurement method using Delaunay Triangulation (DT). This can provide the value for all coverage measurement tools. Moreover, it categorizes sensors as ‘fat’, ‘healthy’ or ‘thin’ to show the dense, optimal and scattered areas. It can also yield the largest empty area of sensors in the field. Simulation results show that the proposed DT method can achieve accurate coverage information, and provides many tools to compare QoC between different scenarios